“Quick beauty method” that a Japanese woman around her 40s exercises.


Our time to face our face increases because of the coronavirus as we stay home, work from home and attend online meetings requiring watching ourselves via computer screen.

As a result, it is said that people have a strong interest in facial care devices, beauty supplements, and cosmetic surgeries, leveraging the situation of wearing a face mask.

I am no exception; my time to face my face increases somehow.

And, it’s my 40s.

My facial condition has been changed.

Spots, wrinkles, freckles…
Sagging, dullness…

Those busters have been there, but it seems sudden for me to appear when I turned 40 years old in the spring that experienced the first lockdown in Tokyo.

I was depressed.

Then, I tried to go to dermatology, change skincare products and cosmetics.
My curiosity helped me try new things; however, it seems complicated to keep fighting with aging, especially with a low budget. But I have neither ample money nor courage to get things done.

So…I have stopped to explore the area.

What is the result I am looking for in the first place?

The possible one: no aging signs of spots, wrinkles, freckles, sagging, and dullness like the skin of the early 30s.

No, I don’t feel exactly like that.

However, it doesn’t sit right with me to say, “OK, let’s get aging beautifully.” 

What is to age beautifully?
What is beauty for one’s age?

I think it is not so simple to measure or put something together by age in most cases especially when we have lived for 40 years.

Now I recognize that I only get used to set a goal to make something better, higher, making plus.

Those goals are apparently positive for anyone’s eyes; thus, you don’t need to explain or make excuses to yourself or others.

Then, what will happen when to set a goal for things destined to get downwards?

It seems to depend on how we feel and how we accept the situation.

Thus, it becomes very personal.

It is not objective or asks for other’s understanding; however, it will be self-evaluation or self-satisfaction.

That’s why I feel it hard.
It is all myself who decides which is good or bad; there are no clear criteria to achieve. 

Am I struggling with what I am told by someone, or because I compare myself with someone?

Is it someone really or myself, past self?

I have been thinking these things for a while.

OK, now, let me share my “quick beauty method” as a woman in her 40s stuck with accepting aging matters.

The point is…
Not to face the issue.

I know it is not a proper method or attitude in general when people see problems.

But, I think it is OK as long as it is a highly personal issue.
Either way, it is me who decides and is affected by the result.

Here is a measure; I don’t turning on the lights in the bathroom so that I will not face my face in two main situations in my daily life:

  1. In the morning when to wash my face and put on make-ups and
  2. At night when to take a bath.

The issues of spots, wrinkles, freckles, sagging, and dullness…seem to disappear brilliantly by simply not turning on the lights in the bathroom!

What magic!

Actually, I feel much comfortable in the dimly lit place.
To be honest, the lighting in Japanese houses is too bright for me. It illuminates everything too much.

If you can replace lightning equipment with indirect ones or use candles, it will be more fashionable.
Otherwise, turning off the lights works.

(Family members might be frightened when you see in the darkness, though…)

I believe it is not always true the high resolution is better.

I have realized it an essential way of survival for those who live in the ambivalent period of life that we will not clarify or overthink the issues.

Especially concerning the matters related to beauty, I will see how it goes by blurring the issues while I want to enjoy skincare as a fun routine.

What is to age beautifully?
What is beauty for one’s age?

I think those are challenging questions to seek answers to.

However, I slightly recognize there will be no answers to be found.
It might be a reality at that place or experiences piled up to the point that embodies something like answers.

And I wonder how spots, wrinkles, and so on will play positive or negative roles on my face? 

It is…interesting, isn’t it?

So, this is a record of the reality of me and my beauty method today.


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